Apps for Organisations

awesome creative & functional


Non-profit or crowdfunding is an excellent way of raising badly needed funds for a particular cause. Whether it's a family friend, a worthy institution or something along those app is a great way of getting in contact with the community. Once the message is communicated and the supporters are aware, that app does the rest. A non-profit app with the charity's name and details, a customized logo, proper branding and the ability to accept donations from the public you are all set to go.

Voluntary Organisations

In every community, there are certain groups and individuals, who give of their time freely, for people who sadly are often less fortunate than ourselves. There are search organisations, mountain rescue and just some non-organized groups, who always come together , when the need arises. At times those groups equipment cost money and that comes from collections and flag days etc etc. With a proper created app, that task becomes much easier to accomplish and achieve, for those groups.


We may or may not know that mobile fundraising is on the increase, due largely to the times we are living in. Indeed, we might think that mobile technology is belonging to a certain generation, but that is not so. Across all age groups, we can now find mobile donors, who have embraced this method of fundraising and actually see how efficient, profitable and viable this system can be. Furthermore, with push-button notifications, email campaigns and SMS roll outs, charities can be well supported.